Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Language as a Tool in Maya Angelous...

In Maya Angelous Essay `Graduation the use of language as a navigational tool is very evident, as it leads from emotion to emotion on the occasion of the authors graduation from eighth grade. Over the course of the work, Angelou displays 3 major emotions simply based from the language she uses; excitement, disappointment and finally, redemption The beginning of this work focuses on speaking of excitement and joy due to the upcoming eighth grade graduation, The children in Stamps trembled visibly with anticipation (835). The children were shaking with excitement due to the impending graduation services. The graduation is the most important thing happening in the town of Stamps, We even made a sign for the Store....It read†¦show more content†¦The mood drops lower with every word Mr. DonLeavy spoke, The mans dead words fell like bricks around the auditorium (839) People in the audience were so used to shouting Amens and other encouragements, but these Amens came purely out of habit and they were heavy and slow with disgust. There was underlying racism in almost everything he said, the praise he gave out was rotten, for it was only praise with athletic reference, ... one of the first-line tacklers at Arkansas Agricultural and Mechanical College graduated from good old Lafayette County Training School (839). Angelou was disgusted at his false commendations, The white kids were going to have a chance to be Galileos and Madame Curies....and our boys would try to be Jesse Owenses and Joe Louises (839). While the white children were to be given the chance to excel with newer and nicer school supplies, the black children were supposed to hope that they would be good enough at sports that they wouldnt need schooling. While the Angelou is sitting listening to his speech, she starts to give up and get down on herself, It was awful to be Negro and have no control over my life (839). Angelou felt she and her classmates were being told what their destinies held; they were to be maids, farmers, maybe athletes, but never anything more. She even starting giving up on the human race as a whole, As a species, we were an abomination (839). She wasnt focusing

Monday, May 18, 2020

Julia Ward Howe Biography

Known for: Julia Ward Howe is today best known as the writer of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. She was married to Samuel Gridley Howe, educator of the blind, who was also active in abolitionism and other reforms. She published poetry, plays and travel books, as well as many articles. A Unitarian, she was part of the larger circle of Transcendentalists, though not a core member. Howe became active in the womens rights movement later in life, playing a prominent role in several suffrage organizations and in womens clubs. Dates:  May 27, 1819 - October 17, 1910 Childhood Julia Ward was born in 1819, in New York City, into a strict Episcopalian Calvinist family. Her mother died when she was young, and Julia was raised by an aunt. When her father, a banker of comfortable but not immense wealth, died, her guardianship became the responsibility of a more liberal-minded uncle. She herself grew more and more liberal—on religion and on social issues. Marriage At 21 years old, Julia married the reformer Samuel Gridley Howe. When they married, Howe was already making his mark on the world. He had fought in the Greek War of Independence and had written of his experiences there. He had become the director of the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston, Massachusetts, where Helen Keller would be among the most famous students. He was a radical Unitarian who had moved far from the Calvinism of New England, and Howe was part of the circle known as the Transcendentalists. He carried religious conviction in the value of the development of every individual into work with the blind, with the mentally ill, and with those in prison. He was also, out of that religious conviction, an opponent of slavery. Julia became a Unitarian Christian. She retained until death her belief in a personal, loving God who cared about the affairs of humanity, and she believed in a Christ who had taught a way of acting, a pattern of behavior, that humans should follow. She was a religious radical who did not see her own belief as the only route to salvation; she, like many others of her generation, had come to believe that religion was a matter of deed, not creed. Samuel Gridley Howe and Julia Ward Howe attended the church where Theodore Parker was minister. Parker, a radical on womens rights and slavery, often wrote his sermons with a handgun on his desk, ready if necessary to defend the lives of the runaway slaves who were staying that night in his cellar on their way to Canada and freedom. Samuel had married Julia, admiring her ideas, her quick mind, her wit, her active commitment to causes he also shared. But Samuel believed that married women should not have a life outside the home, that they should support their husbands and that they should not speak publicly or be active themselves in the causes of the day. As director at Perkins Institute for the Blind, Samuel Howe lived with his family on campus in a small house. Julia and Samuel had their six children there. (Four survived to adulthood, all four becoming professionals well known in their fields.) Julia, respecting her husbands attitude, lived in isolation in that home, with little contact with the wider community of Perkins Institute or Boston. Julia attended church, she wrote poetry, and it became harder for her to maintain her isolation. The marriage was increasingly stifling to her. Her personality was not one which adjusted to being subsumed in the campus and professional life of her husband, nor was she the most patient person. Thomas Wentworth Higginson wrote much later of her in this period: Bright things always came readily to her lips, and a second thought sometimes came too late to withhold a bit of a sting. Her diary indicates that the marriage was violent, Samuel controlled, resented and at times mismanaged the financial inheritance her father left her, and much later she discovered that he was unfaithful to her during this time. They considered divorce several times. She stayed, in part because she admired and loved him, and in part because he threatened to keep her from her children if she divorced him - both the legal standard and common practice at that time. Instead of divorce, she studied philosophy on her own, learned several languages - at that time a bit of a scandal for a woman - and devoted herself to her own self-education as well as the education and care of their children. She also worked with her husband on a brief venture at publishing an abolitionist paper, and supported his causes. She began, despite his opposition, to get more involved in writing and in public life. She took two of their children to Rome, leaving Samuel behind in Boston. Julia Ward Howe and the Civil War Julia Ward Howes emergence as a published writer corresponded with her husbands increasing involvement in the abolitionist cause. In 1856, as Samuel Gridley Howe led anti-slavery settlers to Kansas (Bloody Kansas, a battlefield between pro- and anti-slavery emigrants), Julia published poems and plays. The plays  and poems further angered Samuel. References in her writings to love turned to alienation and even violence were too clearly allusions to their own poor relationship. When the American Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act—and Millard Fillmore as President signed the Act—it made even those in Northern states complicit in the institution of slavery. All U.S. citizens, even in states that banned slavery, were legally responsible to return fugitive slaves to their owners in the South. The anger over the Fugitive Slave Act pushed many who had opposed slavery into more radical abolitionism. In a nation even more divided over slavery, John Brown led his abortive effort at Harpers Ferry to capture arms stored there and give them to Virginia slaves. Brown and his supporters hoped that the slaves would rise in armed rebellion, and slavery would end. Events did not, however, unfold as planned, and John Brown was defeated and killed. Many in the circle around the Howes were involved in the radical abolitionism that gave rise to John Browns raid. There is evidence that Theodore Parker, their minister, and Thomas Wentworth Higginson, another leading Transcendentalist and associate of Samuel Howes, were part of the so-called Secret Six, six men who were convinced by John Brown to bankroll his efforts which ended at Harpers Ferry. Another of the Secret Six, apparently, was Samuel Gridley Howe. The story of the Secret Six is, for many reasons, not well known, and probably not completely knowable given the deliberate secrecy. Many of those involved seem to have regretted, later, their involvement in the plan. Its not clear how honestly Brown portrayed his plans to his supporters. Theodore Parker died in Europe, just before the Civil War began. T. W. Higginson, also the minister who married  Lucy Stone  and Henry Blackwell in their  ceremony asserting womens equality  and who was later a discoverer of  Emily Dickinson, took his commitment into the Civil War, leading a regiment of black troops. He was convinced that if black men fought alongside white men in the battles of war, they would be accepted as full citizens after the war. Samuel Gridley Howe and Julia Ward Howe became involved in the  U.S. Sanitary Commission, an important institution of social service. More men died in the Civil War from disease caused by poor sanitary conditions in prisoner of war camps and their own army camps than died in battle. The  Sanitary Commission  was the chief institution of reform for that condition, leading to far fewer deaths later in the war than earlier. Writing the Battle Hymn of the Republic As a result of their volunteer work with the  Sanitary Commission, in November of 1861 Samuel and Julia Howe were invited to Washington by President Lincoln. The Howes visited a Union Army camp in Virginia across the Potomac. There, they heard the men singing the song which had been sung by both North and South, one in admiration of John Brown, one in celebration of his death: John Browns body lies amouldering in his grave. A clergyman in the party, James Freeman Clarke, who knew of Julias published poems, urged her to write a new song for the war effort to replace John Browns Body. She described the events later: I replied that I had often wished to do so.... In spite of the excitement of the day I went to bed and slept as usual, but awoke the next morning in the gray of the early dawn, and to my astonishment found that the wished-for lines were arranging themselves in my brain. I lay quite still until the last verse had completed itself in my thoughts, then hastily arose, saying to myself, I shall lose this if I dont write it down immediately. I searched for an old sheet of paper and an old stub of a pen which I had had the night before, and began to scrawl the lines almost without looking, as I learned to do by often scratching down verses in the darkened room when my little children were sleeping. Having completed this, I lay down again and fell asleep, but not before feeling that something of importance had happened to me. The result was a poem, published first in February 1862 in the Atlantic Monthly, and called Battle Hymn of the Republic. The poem was quickly put to the tune that had been used for John Browns Body —the original tune was written by a Southerner for religious revivals—and became the best known Civil War song of the North. Julia Ward Howes religious conviction shows in the way that Old and New Testament Biblical images are used to urge that people implement, in this life and this world, the principles that they adhere to. As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free. Turning from the idea that the war was revenge for the death of a martyr, Howe hoped that the song would keep the war focused on the principle of the ending of slavery. Today, thats what Howe is most remembered for: as the author of the song, still loved by many Americans. Her early poems are forgotten—her other social commitments forgotten. She became a much-loved American institution after that song was published -- but even in her own lifetime, all her other pursuits paled besides her accomplishment of one piece of poetry for which she was paid $5 by the editor of Atlantic Monthly. Mothers Day and Peace Julia Ward Howes accomplishments did not end with the writing of her famous poem, The Battle Hymn of the Republic. As Julia became more famous, she was asked to speak publicly more often. Her husband became less adamant that she remain a private person, and while he never actively supported her further efforts, his resistance eased. She saw some of the worst effects of the war—not only the death and disease which killed and maimed the soldiers. She worked with the widows and orphans of soldiers on both sides of the war, and realized that the effects of the war go beyond the killing of soldiers in battle. She also saw the economic devastation of the Civil War, the economic crises that followed the war, the restructuring of the economies of both North and South. In 1870, Julia Ward Howe took on a new issue and a new cause. Distressed by her experience of the realities of war, determined that peace was one of the two most important causes of the world (the other being equality in its many forms) and seeing war arise again in the world in the Franco-Prussian War, she called in 1870 for women to rise up and oppose war in all its forms. She wanted women to come together across national lines, to recognize what we hold in common above what divides us, and commit to finding peaceful resolutions to conflicts. She issued a  Declaration, hoping to gather together women in a congress of action. She failed in her attempt to get formal recognition of a Mothers Day for Peace. Her idea was influenced by Ann Jarvis, a young Appalachian homemaker who had attempted starting in 1858 to improve sanitation through what she called Mothers Work Days. She organized women throughout the Civil War to work for better sanitary conditions for both sides, and in 1868 she began work to reconcile Union and Confederate neighbors. Ann Jarvis daughter, named Anna Jarvis, would of course have known of her mothers work, and the work of Julia Ward Howe. Much later, when her mother died, this second Anna Jarvis started her own crusade to found a memorial day for women. The first such Mothers Day was celebrated in West Virginia in 1907 in the church where the elder Ann Jarvis had taught Sunday School. And from there the custom caught on—spreading eventually to 45 states. Finally the holiday was declared officially by states beginning in 1912, and in 1914 the President, Woodrow Wilson, declared the first national  Mothers Day. Woman Suffrage But working for peace was also not the accomplishment which eventually meant the most to Julia Ward Howe. In the aftermath of the Civil War, she, like many before her, began to see parallels between struggles for legal rights for blacks and the need for legal equality for women. She became active in the  woman suffrage movement  to gain the vote for women. T. W. Higginson wrote of her changed attitude as she finally discovered that she was not so alone in her ideas that women should be able to speak their minds and influence the direction of society: From the moment when she came forward in the Woman Suffrage Movement ...  there was a visible change; it gave a new brightness to her face, a new cordiality in her manner, made her calmer, firmer; she found herself among new friends and could disregard old critics. By 1868, Julia Ward Howe was helping to found the New England Suffrage Association. In 1869 she led, with her colleague  Lucy  Stone, the  American Woman Suffrage Association  (AWSA) as the suffragists split into two camps over black versus woman suffrage and over state versus federal focus in legislating change. She began to lecture and write frequently on the subject of woman suffrage. In 1870 she helped Stone and her husband, Henry Blackwell, found the  Womans Journal, remaining with the journal as an editor and writers for twenty years. She pulled together a series of essays by writers of the time, disputing theories that held that women were inferior to men and required separate education. This defense of womens rights and education appeared in 1874 as  Sex and Education. Later Years Julia Ward Howes later years were marked by many involvements. From the 1870s Julia Ward lectured widely. Many came to see her because of her fame as the author of the  Battle Hymn  of the Republic; she needed the lecture income because her inheritance had finally, through a cousins mismanagement, become depleted. Her themes were usually about service over fashion, and reform over frivolity. She preached often in Unitarian and Universalist churches. She continued to attend the Church of the Disciples, led by her old friend James Freeman Clarke, and often spoke in its pulpit. Beginning in 1873, she hosted an annual gathering of women ministers, and in the 1870s helped to found the Free Religious Association. She also became active in the womans club movement, serving as president of the New England Womens Club from 1871. She helped found the Association for the Advancement of Women (AAW) in 1873, serving as president from 1881. In January 1876, Samuel Gridley Howe died. Just before he died, he confessed to Julia several affairs hed had, and the two apparently reconciled their long antagonism. The new widow traveled for two years in Europe and the Middle East. When she returned to Boston, she renewed her work for womens rights. In 1883 she published a biography of Margaret Fuller, and in 1889 helped bring about the merger of the AWSA with the rival suffrage organization, led by  Elizabeth Cady Stanton  and  Susan B. Anthony, forming the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). In 1890 she helped to found the General Federation of Womens Clubs, an organization which eventually displaced the AAW. She served as director and was active in many of its activities, including helping to found many clubs during her lecture tours. Other causes in which she involved herself included support for Russian freedom and for the Armenians in the Turkish wars, taking once again a stand that was more militant than pacifist in its sentiments. In 1893, Julia Ward Howe participated in events at the Chicago Columbian Exposition (Worlds Fair), including chairing a session and presenting a report on Moral and Social Reform at the Congress of Representative Women. She spoke at the to the  1893 Parliament of the Worlds Religions, held in Chicago in conjunction with the  Columbian Exposition. Her topic, What is Religion? outlined Howes understanding of general religion and what religions have to teach each other, and her hopes for interfaith cooperation. She also gently called for religions to practice their own values and principles. In her last years, she was often compared to Queen Victoria, whom she somewhat resembled and who was her senior by exactly three days. When Julia Ward Howe died in 1910, four thousand people attended her memorial service. Samuel G. Eliot, head of the American Unitarian Association, gave the eulogy at her funeral at the Church of the Disciples. Relevance to Womens History Julia Ward Howes story is a reminder that history remembers a persons life incompletely. Womens history can be an act of remembering—in the literal sense of re-membering, putting the parts of the body, the members, back together. The whole story of Julia Ward Howe has not even now, I think, been told. Most versions ignore her troubled marriage, as she and her husband struggled with traditional understandings of the wifes role and her own personality and personal struggle to find herself and her voice in the shadow of her famous husband. Im left with questions to which I cannot find answers. Was Julia Ward Howes aversion to the song about John Browns body based on an anger that her husband had spent part of her inheritance secretly on that cause, without her consent or support? Or did she have a role in that decision? Or was Samuel, with or without Julia, part of the  Secret Six? We dont know, and may never know. Julia Ward Howe lived the last half of her life in the public eye primarily because of  one poem  written in the few hours of one gray morning. In those later years, she used her fame to promote her very different later ventures, even while she resented that she was already remembered primarily for that one small accomplishment. What is most important to the writers of history may not be necessarily the most important to those who are the subject of that history. Whether it was her peace proposals and her proposed  Mothers Day, or her work on winning the vote for women—none of which were accomplished during her lifetime—these fade in most histories beside her writing of the  Battle Hymn of  the Republic. This is why womens history often has a commitment to biography—to recover, to re-member the lives of the women whose accomplishments may mean something quite different to the culture of their times than they did to the woman herself. And, in so remembering, to respect their efforts to change their own lives and even the world. Source Hungry Heart: The Literary Emergence of Julia Ward Howe: Gary Williams. Hardcover, 1999.Private Woman, Public Person: An Account of the Life of Julia Ward Howe from 1819-1868: Mary H. Grant. 1994.Julia Ward Howe, 1819 to 1910: Laura E. Richards and Maud Howe Elliott. Reprint.Julia Ward Howe and the Woman Suffrage Movement: Florence H. Hull. Hardcover, Reprint.Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: A Biography of Julia Ward Howe: Deborah Clifford. Hardcover, 1979.Secret Six: The True Tale of the Men Who Conspired with John Brown: Edward J. Renehan, jr. Trade Paperback, 1997.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Nurse s Code Of Ethics - 1022 Words

When working in a professional setting there are certain rules the employee’s must follow. Every major profession has a code of ethics, that sets standards and guidelines that are set in place to protect both the professional and the client. Ethics play a key role in day to day business. This paper will discuss the nurse’s code of ethics, the advantages and disadvantages, and difficulties that the author may have following the established code. This paper will also discuss whether or not there are rules that have too much emphasis on them, and rules that do not. The nurse’s code of ethics was drafted in 1985, yet was not finalized until June of 2001. This code of ethics was established as guidelines for all professionals in the field of nursing to follow. As of 2015, there are nine provisions with interpretations within the nurse’s code of ethics. According to the American Nurses Association (ANA) (2015), the code â€Å"provides a succinct statement of the ethical values, obligations, and duties of every individual who enters the nursing profession.† The ANA also continues on to state that code â€Å"serves as the profession’s nonnegotiable ethical standard, and expresses nursing’s own understanding of its commitment to society.† The first three provision’s covers the details and obligations of the nurse. Respecting human rights and privacy is an example of what is covered in that area. Provisions four through six covers responsibilities and allegiance of the nurse.Show MoreRelatedNurses Asso ciation s Code Of Ethics For Nurses And Scope And Standards Of Nursing Practice Essay864 Words   |  4 Pageswitnessed an effective advocacy on behalf of a patient or population. 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Death Penalty Essay Conclusion Example For Students

Death Penalty Essay Conclusion Death PenaltyOften times, jail sentencing does not do justice to murder. Sometimes, crime is so cruel that there is no realistic punishment for it. There are too many victims out there that have suffered and their attacker received a painless life sentence. Painless, when comparing to horrifying murders that happen everyday. As Paul A. Winters says, If a person commits a gruesome murder, he deserves to be put to death (Winters et al. 154). So many murderers are convicted of man slaughter and only receive years in jail. Their victims feel the pain, but imagine the pain and sorrow the families of the victims feel. The Death penalty is the only justifying sentence for a murderer. The Death penalty is effective because it deters crime. According to polls, more than 70 percent of Americans feel that murderers deserve the death penalty (Winters et al. 168). Although several people are in favor of the death penalty, abolitionist claim there are some alternatives, they say that life without parole serves just as well (Guilmette 2). Many citizens would agree that putting away the murderer is effective, but just isnt enough. Capital punishment is the most effective weapon against the murderers because no executed murderer ever has had the chance to kill again. Over the years, many people would say that public safety has become meaningless and not worth defending anymore. Every country in the world is ready and willing to kill thousands, even millions of human beings in brutal, merciless way to defend their nation from the aggression of other countries. Why public safety doesnt deserve as much respect and protection as a nations national security does? In fact, it can be argued that supporting armies and war is far more barbarous than the death penalty is. The one of the main reasons why nations and governments exist is to defend their citizens from vicious criminals. When it fails to do that, they become of little use to its citizens. People throughout all the nations wi ll soon realize that capital punishment, military or police force, and even taxes are an unavoidable consequence of every civilized society. It will no longer be the question of whether or not a nation should have the death penalty, but rather how it should be used. What can you say to the parents of the kids that were killed in Columbine High School? What can be done about juvenile murderers? President Clinton proposed that the age at which penalty could be applied should be reduced from 21 to 18 (ORourke 1). Many people agree that everyone who is considered a legal adult should be sentenced like one; that means possibly the death penalty. Those who advocate the abolition of capital punishment have supported their cause with many arguments. They have claimed that some have been wrongly sent to death row, while other decisions have been unfairly applied to minorities and the poor. Others argued for the sanctity of human life, as well as the expense involved in capital punishment. Bu t those who believe in the opposition of the death penalty are often misled. They should consider the following cases that underlie the support for capital punishment, for it is certainly the only way to deal with the cruelty of crime that has infected our society. Capital punishment was once supported by the theory of deterrence, yet studies have shown weaknesses in this argument. Although the death penalty may not have an effect in deterring crime, it protects society from the threat of the same criminal committing a violation again when they are set free. A notable example is the case of Ali Agca, who attempted to assassinate the Pope after he had previously been tried and convicted of murder. Opponents may often refute this by suggesting a life sentence without parole, yet research has shown that the crime rates in prisons are gradually increasing. What happens when a person sentenced with life imprisonment kills another inmate or guard during that time? This brings about recons ideration for those who advocate sentences without parole instead of capital punishment. A second way to look at the validation of capital punishment is the concept of retribution. Retribution cannot be confused with the concept of revenge. It is societys right of intolerance to heinous crimes that bring about the need for death row. Criminals have not only injured their victims but also the important values that govern society, which is the respect for life. Society has a responsibility to protect its citizens, doing what is necessary and appropriate to those who break the laws. Thus, capital punishment is necessary to ensure the priceless value of human lives. Thirdly, some people urge to abolish the death penalty because of their concern for the sanctity of human life. That is precisely the reason why this form of crime prevention should be maintained. Capital punishment is different from murder because the person being executed had committed a crime and was tried and found guilt y. An execution carried out after a trial cannot be compared to a murder committed by a criminal. Lastly, it is suggested and often proven that the death penalty discriminates against the poor and minority groups. One must see that this problem does not concern the justification of the penalty, but the unfair way in which it is distributed. This problem may be improved by properly reviewing the cases, imposing decisions without regard to race or class. This can be achieved so that all defendants receive equal protection ground. Capital punishment has had positive benefits upon the country in determining the consequences that criminals deserve. This is needed to ensure the safety and moral values of society. If this is the case, there is no need for us to consider the expenses involved in the death penalty. We should not abolish capital punishment, but hold our country accountable for properly exercising the death penalty upon those who deserve it. .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e , .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e .postImageUrl , .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e , .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e:hover , .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e:visited , .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e:active { border:0!important; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e:active , .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u84c2fdaf11788b22dbad47c27f5cc09e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Martha Washington Essay Many criminals dont fear the judicial system. They are not afraid of jail or their punishment. How can we force them to stop killing or stealing if they are not afraid of the punishment we give them? Most rational men are afraid of death. They dont want to die. There are also men that dont fear death, but enjoy killing. What do you do with men who do not fear the loss of their life? One criminal of America, Carl Panzram was quoted in saying, In my life I have murdered 21 human beings. I have committed thousands of burglaries, robberies, and arsons. Last but not least, I have committed sodomy on more than 1000 male human beings. For all of these things I am not the least bit sorry. I have no conscience, so that does not worry me. I dont believe in Man, God, nor devil. I hate the whole damned human race including myself (Panzram 1). Men like this who do not care for any law and do every unthinkable act are being supported in some jails around the world. What should be done with people who only want to kill and cause chaos? Panzram doesnt mind his fifteen years in prison, or even his twenty-five. Panzram was executed and can no longer bother mankind, but there are others like him. Australia has abolished the death sentence. They can no longer control the men like Panzram. Martin Bryant shot and killed 35 innocent people in Tasmania. The people of Australia are now supporting him. There is one option, which Australia no longer has. They cannot put this man to death, they are not allowed. We must keep the death penalty for the people like this; people who like to kill and that dont fear imprisonment. The Death penalty is the only justification for people like these. Works CitedBedau, Hugo Adam. The Death Penalty in America Statements in favor of the DeathPenalty. Ed. J. Edgar Hoover. Chicago: Alding publishing company, 1964. 130-135 Kronenwetter, Michael. Capital Punishment. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1993. Winters, Paul A. et al. The Death Penalty. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1997. DiLulio, John J. Abolish the Death penalty, officially. May 99. Online. UMIProQuest Direct. (27 May 99). Ramirez, Richard. Carl Panzram, 1861-1930 1996. (28 June, 1996). Words/ Pages : 1,443 / 24

Capital Budget Capital Structure Decisions -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Capital Budget Capital Structure Decisions? Answer: Introduction: In the present case the firm Antena 3 Televisin is considering an opportunity in a new studio by replacing the old one. For the purpose of setting up a new studio, the firm will have to invest in some of the fixed assets. It is to be evaluated whether to invest in new studio by replacing the old one or not. The capital budgeting technique named as Net Present Value will be applied here to reach at the appropriate decision. Analysis of the case: The cost of each of such fixed will have to be adjusted for the depreciation every year and the firm will be entitled to the tax savings on such depreciation. However, land is an asset on which deprecation is not charged. Also, depreciation is a non-cash expense and hence it will be deducted from the cash inflows of the year only for the purpose of availing tax benefits and afterwards it will be added back to the respective cash flows to find the present value of cash flows (Drake, 2006). The discounting rate used to determine the present values of the cash flows will be calculated on the weighted average cost of capital. WACC represents the blend of companys capital and debt structure on the basis of their individual proportions. To calculate Cost of equity, the capital asset pricing model will be applied and the cost of debt, for the purpose of WACC calculation, will be taken as after tax cost of debt. The tax benefit will not be received on capital investments such as acquisition of various assets. Effect of inflation is not to be given on depreciation as depreciation is a non-cash item (Graham Harvey, 2002). Capital loss will arise at the end of last year i.e. 11th year at the time of sale of new studio because the written down value of the total assets is less than the amount realised on sale of the entire unit. Tax savings will be available on such capital loss. In case of working capital investment, the recovery of 50% of amount of working capital will be made and it will be given impact of inflation @ 3% and the capital gain on sale of old studio will also be taxed at the end of year 1. Decision on the basis of Net present value: In part the net present value of the free cash flows from the new studio is positive hence it will be profitable to invest in this proposal (Refer excel sheet) In this part working capital investment is required to be made and hence it is giving negative net present value, therefore in such case capital investment must not be made as it will not be profitable (Refer excel sheet). Conclusion: Therefore, it can be said that the firm must not go for additional working capital if it is considering to invest in the new studio. References: Drake, P.P., Capital budgeting techniques.Online (datum posledn revize: 29.6. 2006): www. fau. edu/~ ppeter/fin3403/module6/capbudtech. pdf. Graham, J. and Harvey, C., 2002. How do CFOs make capital budgeting and capital structure decisions?.Journal of applied corporate finance,15(1), pp.8-23.